National conference of Kamaiya workers held in January 1996 formed Kamaiya liberation forum. GEFONT felt that trade union movement should organise and mobilise the vast majority of rural agricultural wage earners. With this aim, Agri-workers national gathering was organised in May 3-5 1996 and established Federation of Agricultural workers-Nepal. This Union has been registered in Labour Department in 14 March, 2003.
The Union Covers all the workers of Agricultural field like plough man, shepherds, farmers, farm workers including wage or contract agri-workers. At present, the union has its hold upon 6 zonal committees, 23 district committees, 1 central Women Department, some district women department, 64 Area Committees and 204 Village Committees.
Bonded kamaiyas who were previously organised in Kamaiya Liberation Forum Nepal and now they are unionised within FAWN