Issues of the World of Work in Nepal (EN)

Issues of the World of Work in Nepal (English Version) While we are publishing this collection, Nepali people are taking to the streets for genuinely urgent reasons. In Nepal today, advocates of democracy and peace have been suppressed while a militarised autocratic regime rules with an iron fist pushing Nepal a step backward and mocking the long sacrifices of the Nepali people that resulted in democracy in 1990. Our hard-won democracy has once more suffered a royal coup. And naturally the people are out in the streets to fight the coup. The classified articles are in a descending order, starting from 2005 back to 1996. Most of the articles carry GEFONT views although some of them were presented in various forums by GEFONT officials in their personal capacity. Where there is no name of an author, footnotes at the end of each article acknowledge the contribution of the person concerned. We expect this publication to be a window through which to peep at the Nepali World of Work from its evolution to the present. The publication tells the readers stories and issues of confrontations with odds and challenges and assimilations to ground realities in order to make the labour movement value based, practical and pro-workers.

असमानताको विरूद्ध रातो घेरा कोरौं !#FightInequality #fianepal
असमानताको विरूद्ध रातो घेरा कोरौं ! #FightInequality #fianepal
नेपाल स्वरोजगार व्यापार श्रमिक संघ (नेस्ट)को २३ औं स्थापना दिवसको शुभकामना सन्देश !
नेपाल स्वरोजगार व्यापार श्रमिक संघ (नेस्ट)को २३ औं स्थापना दिवसको शुभकामना सन्देश !