JTUCC files a complaint with ILO against Nepal Government

GEFONT along with other Trade unions members -Joint Trade Union Coordination Centre (JTUCC) has filed the complaint   with ILo against Government of Nepal and legislature Parliament on Violation of the Trade Union Rights by curtailing right to strike in all Industrial Enterprises. 

In the complaint, it is requested ILO to take an appropriate action against the Government of Nepal to:

Repeal the provision containing anti labour provision under Industrial Enterprises Act 2016 ( Clause on Industrial Human Resource¬)

Repeal the provision containing ban on right to strike and bargaining in Special Economic Zones Act 2016, 

To repeal the Essential Service Act 1957 and the notification published under the act every six month 25th April 2016, which ban the strike on different services. We further request the Committee to make a direct request to the Government of Nepal in order to stop all kinds of unfair practices such as repeatedly issuing of prohibiting order in the name of 'Essential Services', which curtail workers' democratic rights ensured by the ILO core conventions.

To ensure that Government should amend all legislation which must be comply with ILO principle on Fundamental principle and right at work as well as constitution of Nepal. 

To take an appropriate action against the Government of Nepal in order to ensure union rights in Nepal and prior consultation with trade unions, which affect the right of the works.

Recently, the parliament has adopted the Industrial Enterprises Bill in line of the draft submitted by the Ministry of Industry. According to the preamble of the bill, the main aim is to provide facilities concession and tax rebate to industry by the government. It wants to create investment friendly environment to replace import by increasing export through enhancing national productivity and employment opportunities within the country.

The Bill contains different chapters containing Preliminary provision, Registration and Regulation of Industry, Provision on Classification of Industry and Fixed Capital structure, Creation of  Industry and Investment Promotion Board, Provision relating to Concession, Facility and Discounts to be provided to Industry,  Provision relating to Single Entry system, Provision on Sick Industry, Provision on Punishment and Appeal, and Miscellaneous Provision. None of the Chapter contains the rights, remuneration, and benefit of the workers including their duties and responsibilities.

Complain before ILO against GOV 17 Nov 2016

अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय श्रमिक महिला दिवस, ८ मार्चको शुभकामना सन्देश !
अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय श्रमिक महिला दिवस, ८ मार्चको शुभकामना सन्देश !