International Labour Organization (ILO)'s 17th Asia Pacific meeting concludes

The 17th Asia Pacific Regional Meeting of the International Labour Organization was held in Singapore from 6 to 9 December.

GEFONT President Binod Shrestha, General Secretary Laxman Sharma and representatives from the Nepal government, JTUCC, NTUC and ANTUF participated in the meeting which was inaugurated by Singapore President Halim Yakob


In the report presented by ILO Director-General Gilbert Houngbo on "Renewed Social Justice for Human Centered Recovery", governments, workers and representatives of employers from different countries presented their outlook.

At the meeting, a special session organized by Qatar on the example of Qatar on Occupational Health and Safety fundamental rights on behalf of GEFONT General Secretary Laxman Sharma emphasized that the government has already announced that Nepalese workers going abroad will be covered by social security.

Meanwhile, a special discussion was held in a separate meeting with the Singapore Labour ministry, GEFONT President Binod Shrestha,  GEFONT General Secretary Laxman Sharma and ITUC General Secretary, ILO General Director.