GEFONT Trade Union Policy Institute (GEFONT-TUPI)

GEFONT Trade Union Policy Institute ​GEFONT-TUPI We believe, the people’s uprising of 2006, after gaining overwhelming support, transformed itself into a peaceful peoples’ revolution, which was original to Nepali reality both in terms of the extent and leadership, rested on the ideal of People's Multi-Party Democracy (PMPD). Contrast with the European or Chinese model of revolution, it became possible through collaboration between two competing Classes – the class of the Haves and that of the Have-nots! It brought about a historical political change, but is yet to trigger a socio-economic and cultural transformation. The movement concluded with the establishment of rights, but is yet to create an environment in which the rights can be realised. Most important, the hegemony of the anti-working class is yet to end. ​It is the base, where GEFONT Trade Union Policy Institute (TUPI) rests! It believes to develop a plural and equitable society with participatory democracy and social justice!

असमानताको विरूद्ध रातो घेरा कोरौं !#FightInequality #fianepal
असमानताको विरूद्ध रातो घेरा कोरौं ! #FightInequality #fianepal
नेपाल स्वरोजगार व्यापार श्रमिक संघ (नेस्ट)को २३ औं स्थापना दिवसको शुभकामना सन्देश !
नेपाल स्वरोजगार व्यापार श्रमिक संघ (नेस्ट)को २३ औं स्थापना दिवसको शुभकामना सन्देश !