Garbage Cleaning Community

Garbage Cleaning Community (A Report of GEFONT Study on Socio-economic condition of Sweeper Community) We have conducted this detailed study of garbage cleaners of Kathmandu Valley covering the cities & Municipalities. Along with NFE, Child Care Centre, Awareness campaign and FE support, the detailed survey through pre-designed questionnaires and also through focussed group discussions have been conducted. We feel that this report opens up a new dimension for researchers interested in the community with backward mentalities even in the very face of capital city. We hope it will prove to be an interesting study of its kind.

असमानताको विरूद्ध रातो घेरा कोरौं !#FightInequality #fianepal
असमानताको विरूद्ध रातो घेरा कोरौं ! #FightInequality #fianepal
नेपाल स्वरोजगार व्यापार श्रमिक संघ (नेस्ट)को २३ औं स्थापना दिवसको शुभकामना सन्देश !
नेपाल स्वरोजगार व्यापार श्रमिक संघ (नेस्ट)को २३ औं स्थापना दिवसको शुभकामना सन्देश !