Training for GEFONT Bharatpur Metropolis

The gathering and training program of the GEFONT Bharatpur Metropolitan Municipality committee was held under the presidency of committee President Rudra Upreti in the hall of Bharatpur Cancer Hospital.

Chief Guest CPN UML Politburo member and Chitwan district in-charge Devi Gyawali said that there should be ensuring Social Security for all workers. Saying that only organized power can lead to change and she stated organizational expansion to the local level in order to expand the power of GEFONT.


Guest of the program party District President Ram Prasad Neupane said that "they should also be equally responsible for their duties while the workers are searching for their rights, and other trade unions should also learn from GEFONT." Vice president of NABUN Anju Gurung emphasized the need for worker registration through the labour desk at the local level and GEFONT Bagmati province member Shanti Subedi told about the rationale and importance of the program.

GEFONT Bagmati Province President Ramhari Nepal has trained about the policies and programs passed by the GEFONT 8th National Congress and Vice President Arjun Aryal has trained about trade unions and politics.

The program was conducted by the Secretary of GEFONT Bharatpur Metropolis Rajan Dhakal while Deputy Secretary Fullu Adhikari made a welcome remark. The gathering has formed a 351-member election mobilization committee under the coordination of Anju Gurung.

अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय श्रमिक महिला दिवस, ८ मार्चको शुभकामना सन्देश !
अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय श्रमिक महिला दिवस, ८ मार्चको शुभकामना सन्देश !