GEFONT Welcomes the MOU between Nepal Government and Malaysian Government

Nepal Government has signed a memorandum of understanding on recruitment, employment and repatriation of workers with the Malaysian government on 29th October 2018, in Kathmandu.

Releasing a Press Communiqué, GEFONT has welcomed the Memorandum of Understanding between the Nepal Government and the government of the Malaysia. GEFONT Press Communiqué signed by GEFONT Secretary General Jank Chaudhary reads “this is the positive development for Nepali migrant workers it has addressed the recruitment, employment and repatriation of workers.

As per the agreement, employer companies will bear recruitment service charges, two-way airfare, visa fee, health check-up, security screening and levy charges, among others.

According to the MoU, from now on, Malaysian companeis  will pay the salaries of workers through banking channel and will have to deposit wages on the seventh day of the month. The employer company will also have to bear all expenses related to accommodation, health check-up and security, among others, during the contract period. The contract period, which used to be three years has now been reduced to two years & If an immediate family member of a worker dies in Nepal, the company will have to allow the worker to return home on leave not exceeding 15 days as per the MoU..” 

Press Communiqué further reads “As per the agreement, the Malaysian government will provide equal treatment to Nepali migrant workers with regard to health insurance, accident insurance, security and other accidents. Likewise, if a company goes bankrupt or puts undue pressure on workers then workers have the rights to change jobs, as per the act.

श्रमिक खबर ३३४ (१६ भदौ २०८१)
श्रमिक खबर ३३४ (१६ भदौ २०८१)
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