GEFONT demands immediate relief & rescue operations in the flood hit Areas

GEFONT has expressed sorrow and deep concerned to lost due to floods and landslides triggered by the torrential rainfall in various parts of the country. Releasing a  Press Communiqué, GEFONT sternly demanded the Nepal Government for immediate  rescue & distribution of  the  relief materials to the victims. GEFONT further demanded the Government for  pressure to open the Koshi Barrage Gates to stop any more distruction.

A Press Communiqué reads “ In this difficult situation, GEFONT request all its members and well wishers to invovle in relief &  rescue operation in their respective places.”

Over  70 persons were killed,  more than 50 persons were mising & the Hundreds of families have been displaced after the floodwater gushed into the human settlement in most parts of Tarai region.

अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय श्रमिक महिला दिवस, ८ मार्चको शुभकामना सन्देश !
अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय श्रमिक महिला दिवस, ८ मार्चको शुभकामना सन्देश !