In an event organised by the General Federation of Nepalese Trade Union
(GEFONT) affiliated Nepal Independent Hotel, Casino and Restaurant Workers’ Union (NIHWU) Gokarna Forest Resort Enterprise Level committee, a merit-based social security conference was conducted successfully on June 10. Retired workers were honoured in the conference held in the auditorium of the resort.
While honouring the retired workers, the chief guest and GEFONT President Binod Shrestha discussed the achievements of the Nepali Trade Union Movement to change the condition of workers. President Shrestha also shed light on the role of GEFONT in mission two million and to reimplement a ten percent service charge in the hotel sector.
Director of Contribution-Based Social Security Fund Uttam Nepal, Central President of NIHWU Lakshman Tiwari, Joint Secretary of GEFONT Bagmati Gopal Karki, central member of NIHWU Keshab Sapkota, and Tek Bahadur Paudel voiced their opinion at the event. The conference and honour program was held under the chairmanship of Ramji Shrestha, President of NIHWU Gokarna Forest Resort Foundation.