Murder of Nepal Auto Mechanics Trade Union (NATU) member Sunil Pun Magar .

Nepal Auto Mechanics Trade Union (NATU) has issued a statement and demanded strict action against the culprits involved in the murder of Sunil Pun Magar, a member of the Rolpa District Coordination Committee of NATU.

On July 20, Magar was killed in a brutal attack by a chaotic armed group. NATU Rolpa District Coordination Committee Chairman Krishna Bahadur Adhikari was seriously injured in the incident.

GEFONT has expressed grief over the loss of an honest member of the trade union movement due to the killing of Sunil Pun, a member of NATU Rolpa.

NATU has strongly urged the government of Nepal to provide immediate relief to the bereaved family and arrest the culprits and bring them to justice.

श्रमिक खबर ३३९ (२१ भदौ २०८१)
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