UNITRAV Gandaki Province Committee organises blood donation program .

43 units of blood have been collected in the blood donation program organised on the 25th of July by GEFONT Affiliate Union UNITRAV Gandaki Province Committee.

Gandaki State MP Ganeshman Gurung was the chief guest in the event.

GEFONT Gandaki President Rudra Bahadur Khatri, National Committee Member Pampha Devkota Pahari and other guests participated in the event.

Secretary Ramkrishna Timilsina hosted the blood donation program which was held under the presidency of UNITRAV Province President Shalikram Timilsina.

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श्रमिक खबर ३३८ (२० भदौ २०८१)
श्रमिक खबर ३३८ (२० भदौ २०८१)
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श्रमिक खबर ३३७ (१९ भदौ २०८१)
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श्रमिक खबर ३३६ (१८ भदौ २०८१)
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