Independent Transport Workers’ Association of Nepal assists the family of driver Meghnath B.K.

The Independent Transport- Workers’ Association of Nepal has provided 1 lakh 10 thousand 1 hundred and 5 rupees to the family of the driver Meghnath B.K., 

who died after getting hit by rocks in a landslide on the night of 12th July.
At a place called 17 Kilo of Bharatpur Metropolitan City, Chitwan, on the night of July 12, B.K., who was seriously injured by a rock during the landslide, drove the bus about 50 metres ahead and saved the passengers.

At 17 Kilo of Bharatpur Metropolitan City, on the night of July 12, B.K., after getting seriously injured by a rock fall during the landslide, drove the bus about 50 metres ahead and saved the passengers.

According to ITWAN, preparations are being made to give national honour to B.K., who died during treatment.

श्रमिक खबर ३३४ (१६ भदौ २०८१)
श्रमिक खबर ३३४ (१६ भदौ २०८१)
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श्रमिक खबर – ३३३ (१४ भाद्र २०८१)
श्रमिक खबर – ३३२ (१३ भाद्र २०८१)
श्रमिक खबर – ३३२ (१३ भाद्र २०८१)
श्रमिक खबर – ३३१ (१२ भाद्र २०८१)
श्रमिक खबर – ३३१ (१२ भाद्र २०८१)
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श्रमिक खबर – ३३० (११ भाद्र २०८१)
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श्रमिक खबर – ३२९ (१० भाद्र २०८१)
श्रमिक खबर – ३२८ (९ भाद्र २०८१)
श्रमिक खबर – ३२८ (९ भाद्र २०८१)
श्रमिक खबर –३२७- २०८१ भाद्र ७
श्रमिक खबर –३२७ (२०८१ भाद्र ७ )