NABUN completes a training program

A training program on publicity, oratory and climate crisis and judicial transformation awareness organised by GEFONT affiliated National Beauticians’ Union of Nepal (NABUN) was completed on the 29th of

Vice President Bidur Karki and Keshabraj Bista provided training on the first day of the program.

Vice President and Head of Publication Department Jitendra Shrestha provided training on communication skills and Shramik Khabar news editor Amardhwaj Lama provided training on the art of speech.

Similarly, in the program, Prem Pradhan and Sujana Joshi provided training on the concept and effects of climate change.

At the end of the program, GEFONT President Binod Shrestha distributed certificates of participation to the training participants and wished them well by saying that this training program will help them to build unions.

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