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Address/Speech 2024-01-25 This 28th April is dedicated to those working in Difficult Profession
Informal Economy 2024-01-25 Informal Economy: New Challenges for Trade Unions
Address/Speech 2024-01-26 President address to UN HLDP in Bangkok
Industrial Relations 2024-01-26 Trade Union Movement in Nepal - A Brief History (by Bishnu Rimal)
Industrial Relations 2024-01-26 The Social Charter - A South Asian Trade Union Perspective (by Bishnu Rimal)
Industrial Relations 2024-01-26 Trade Union and Productivity in Nepal (by Umesh Upadhyaya)
Industrial Relations 2024-01-26 Restructuring Enterprises and Workforce in Nepal (by Umesh Upadhyaya)
Industrial Relations 2024-01-26 Role of Workers in Labour Dispute Settlement (by Umesh Upadhyaya and Ramesh Badal)
Industrial Relations 2024-01-26 Collective Bargaining as a Means of Cooperation - Case of Nepal (by Umesh Upadhyaya)
Industrial Relations 2024-01-26 The Role of Trade Union in Nepal in the 21st Century (by Bishnu Rimal)
Industrial Relations 2024-01-26 Workers' Participation in Decision Making - A Trade Union Perspective (by Umesh Upadhyaya)
Exploitative Forms of Labour 2017 Jun 25 2024-01-26 Dalits, Discrimination and Food Industry in Nepal (by Rudra Gautam, Umesh Upadhyaya and Bishnu Rimal)
Exploitative Forms of Labour 2017 Jun 25 2024-01-26 Hazardous forms of Child Labour in Nepal (by Bishnu Rimal and Umesh Upadhyaya)
Exploitative Forms of Labour 2017 Jun 25 2024-01-26 Maghi - the Black day (by Bishnu Rimal)
Gender and Equality 2024-01-26 Decade of Multiparty Democracy in Nepal- From Gender Perspectives (by Binda Pandey)
Gender and Equality 2024-01-26 Privatisation, Economic Liberalization and Impacts on Women Workers in Nepal (by Umesh Upadhyaya and Bishnu Rimal)
Gender and Equality 2024-01-26 Women, Gender and Mass media in Nepal (by Binda Pandey)
Gender and Equality 2024-01-26 Women's Movement Scenario in Nepal (by Sujita Shakya and Umesh Upadhyaya)
Gender and Equality 2024-01-26 Women's Property Rights Movement in Nepal (by Binda Pandey)
Informal Economy 2024-01-26 Home Based Workers in Nepal (by Umesh Upadhyaya)
Informal Economy 2024-01-26 Informal Economy New Challenges for Trade Unions (by Bishnu Rimal)
Informal Economy 2024-01-26 Informal Sector and Labour Rights (by Bishnu Rimal)
Informal Economy 2024-01-26 Women in Informal Employment- The Case of Nepal (by Umesh Upadhyaya)
Liberalisation, Globalisation and Privatisation 2024-01-26 A Glance at Labour Force & Employment in Nepal (by Umesh Upadhyaya)
Liberalisation, Globalisation and Privatisation 2024-01-26 Challenging Globalisation (by Bishnu Rimal)
Liberalisation, Globalisation and Privatisation 2024-01-26 Debt, Trade and Labour in the Contemporary World (by Umesh Upadhyaya)
Liberalisation, Globalisation and Privatisation 2024-01-26 Globalisation and Trade Unions in Nepal
Liberalisation, Globalisation and Privatisation 2024-01-26 Impact of Globalization in the Formal & Informal Sector- Responses & Resistances (by Umesh Upadhyaya)
Liberalisation, Globalisation and Privatisation 2024-01-26 Nepal- Labour Liberalisation and Productivity (by Umesh Upadhyaya)
Liberalisation, Globalisation and Privatisation 2024-01-26 Poverty Reduction Strategy and Labour Perspectives (by Umesh Upadhyaya)
Liberalisation, Globalisation and Privatisation 2024-01-26 Poverty, Power and Politics (by Umesh Upadhyaya)
Liberalisation, Globalisation and Privatisation 2024-01-26 Structural Adjustment and Economic Restructuring in Nepal- Trade Unions Response and Demands (by Bishnu Rimal)
Migrant Workers 2024-01-26 GEFONT and Migrant Workers (by Bishnu Rimal)
Migrant Workers 2024-01-26 Issue of Protection of Migrant Workers and their Families (by Umesh Upadhyaya)
OSH, Social Security and Decent Work 2024-01-26 All for One and One for All Campaign (by Bishnu Rimal)
OSH, Social Security and Decent Work 2024-01-26 Analysis of the Wage Structure in Nepal (by Rudra Gautam)
OSH, Social Security and Decent Work 2024-01-26 Decent Work in Agriculture (by Umesh Upadhyaya)
OSH, Social Security and Decent Work 2024-01-26 Labour Law & Social Security in Nepal (by Umesh Upadhyaya)
OSH, Social Security and Decent Work 2024-01-26 Occupational Health, Safety and Environment in the Construction Sector (by Umesh Upadhyaya)
OSH, Social Security and Decent Work 2024-01-26 Poverty, Wage Structure and Social Security (by Umesh Upadhyaya)
OSH, Social Security and Decent Work 2024-01-26 Social Protection for Workers in Informal Economy (by Umesh Upadhyaya)
OSH, Social Security and Decent Work 2024-01-26 Social Security System in Nepal (by Ramesh Badal)
OSH, Social Security and Decent Work 2024-01-26 Trade Union Effort to Develop Labour Law in Nepal (by Bishnu Rimal)
OSH, Social Security and Decent Work 2024-01-26 Workers in the Textile and Garment sector in Nepal (by Umesh Upadhyaya)
Miscellaneous 2024-01-26 GEFONT Manifesto May Day-2002 (by Bishnu Rimal)
Miscellaneous 2024-01-26 GEFONT on Food Sovereignty (by Umesh Upadhyaya)
Miscellaneous 2024-01-26 Our Journey to the New Millennium (by Mukunda Neupane)
Miscellaneous 2024-01-26 Revisiting Our Labour Market (by Bishnu Rimal)
Miscellaneous 2024-01-26 Trade Union Position on Indigenous People in Nepal (by Umesh Upadhyaya)
Interview 2024-01-26 Workers will be benefited - Bishnu Lamsal
Interview 2024-01-26 The Labour Act and SS act is Consent documents of all of us : Acharya
Sustainable Development 2024-01-26 Note on Status of Trade Union Engagements at the National Level On Sustainable Development Goal – Binod Shrestha
5th Women Workers' National Conference 2013 2024-01-26 From Zero to Thirty Three Pecent
5th Women Workers' National Conference 2013 2024-01-26 From Zero to Thirty Three Pecent
5th Women Workers' National Conference 2013 2024-01-26 20 Achievement & 20 Suggesion