One labor law for all labourers: GEFONT President Binod Shrestha

The General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (GEFONT) President Binod Shrestha has said that GEFONT should move forward by amending the difficulties seen in the implementation of the labor law and that GEFONT believes that there should be one labor law for all labourers. 

Since the major trade unions of Nepal also have the same opinion, he said that all unions, including GEFONT, will move forward in a planned manner in the process of amending the labor law. President Shrestha made this statement during a discussion on the Gap Analysis study report for reforming labor laws at the GEFONT Trade Union School on December 11.

ITUC Asia Pacific Human and Trade Union Rights Chief Monina Wang spoke about ILO Convention 98 and related conventions and said that ITUC Nepal will collaborate with trade unions to make Nepal's labor laws labor-friendly and effective. 

The participants had curiosities and provided suggestions on the study report on the Labor Act 2074 and the Trade Union Act 2049 and Advocate Bhakti Dhimire’s presentation on the challenges of implementation.

General Secretary Laxman Sharma facilitated the program which was attended by ANTUF Vice President Dhan Bahadur Gurung, representatives of SARTUC and union leaders.

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अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय श्रमिक महिला दिवस, ८ मार्चको शुभकामना सन्देश !